Gifts from The Gifted

The 3rd & 6th grade gifted classes at Headland Elementary & Headland Middle Schools collected food and gifts for the dogs at the Headland Animal Shelter.  Jo Geisler, representing C.H.A.R.M., Inc., accepted the donations and presented the classes with a Certificate of Appreciation.  The…

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What a Birthday

‎4 year old Shelby Kidd recently had her birthday and instead of her guests bringing presents for Shelby, she asked them to bring presents for C.H.A.R.M. Can you believe a 4 year old could be so generous and selfless? This thoughtful gesture will be…

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Thanks Webbering!

Luke Douglas of Webbering DDH (Design, Development and Hosting) has graciously offered his services in hosting and maintaining the website. Anyone that sees him, send some business his way and tell him thanks!! If you have any suggestions or crtique you would like…

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